Episode #5: Oral Contraceptives: The Good. The Bad. The Truth.

I firmly believe that every woman has the right to effective and accessible forms of birth control.  I also believe women need to receive full disclosure and informed consent before starting an oral contraceptive.

 Oral Contraceptives hijack a woman’s hormones allowing her reproductive system to be driven by synthetic chemicals that are associated with a laundry list of side effects that include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Low libido
  • Weight gain
  • Delayed conception
  • Lower thyroid function
  • Worsening of PMS

Did you know that s woman’s sense of smell is altered while on an oral contraceptive and can interfere with choosing the “right” partner?

Please join me for an interesting conversation about oral contraceptive, monthly energetic rhythms and why having a menstrual cycle is a power gift for all women.  Oh, I forgot to mention that PMS needn’t be a part of the equation for ANY woman.

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