What if daily consumption of items in your kitchen cabinet and refrigerator are zapping your energy or possibly contributing to symptoms of PMS, migraines, GI distress, sinus congestion or chronic pain?
What if a simple “finger prick” blood test done in the comfort of your home could accurately identify foods and additives potentially triggering these and other health issues facing countless women today.
AND… What if food sensitivities such as dairy, gluten, and eggs play a significant role in inflammation- contributing to a compromised gut microbiota combined with gut permeability, elevating thyroid antibodies while igniting a host of autoimmune and hormonal issues.
Please join me today with my guest, James White. He is the CEO of KBMO Diagnostics- a leading lab offering state of the art food sensitivity testing. James and I will take a deep dive into why so many develop food sensitivity and how a personalized elimination diet based on a FIT test can be a game-changer in women’s health. Welcome to The Hormone Lifestyle Zone.